jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010


SUPER DISCOUNT, as the name implies, is about sales.
In the sales process something interesting happens: The value of an object is debated, questioned and redefined.
SUPER DISCOUNT pulls artists into this interesting process also known as “the market”, allowing their artwork to flow and circulate freely just like merchandise.

That is what SUPER DISCOUNT is all about:
We treat art like any other product, selling it on the market with a 2 for 1 pricetag,
a promotional present or in any other kind of deal.

Selling your art work using advertising strategies absolutely invites you to free yourself
and your art from any pretentious decorum.
Bring art off its moral highground and join SUPER DISCOUNT!

SUPER DISCOUNT wants to form a platform where artists can collaborate and create a collective consciousness of DISCOUNT! DIS – COUNT = Displace the value! Diss the value!

What if you could sell any piece of art like a pair of socks? Would that not empower each individual to decide for him or herself what art means to them?

SUPER DISCOUNT is The big O-F-F-E-R. It's irresistible.
Join the discours that debates the relationship between art, the market and advertising!


SUPER DISCOUNT invites artists to collaborate in this ironic discours of the art market through a series of actions. What they all have in common is the radicalization of art as a piece of merchandise confronting it directly with objects of daily life and their commercial sales strategies.
ACTION SUPER DISCOUNT – PROMOTIONAL GIFT. Positions art pieces side by side with daily promotional objects in an exhibition space relating art to the market, everyday mechandise products and the advertising world in a very particular way. The art work will be packed in plastic together with a promotional object.

What do you have to do if you want to participate? Contact us now!
Any details will be commented individually.

Michele Salati
T +34 606250336

Nuria Krämer
Switzerland: T +41 783162776
Spain: T +34 617632717

Vernissage February, 14 of 2010
Exhibition from 14.02.2010 to 18.03.2010

Vía Laietana 64, pral
08003 Barcelona

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